Quick and Tasty Home Remedies for Knee Pain

Home Remedies for Knee Pain

When you're suffering with painful, aching knees on a morning before work, or just after you get home, you might not always have enough energy, or drive to go and see your local doctor, or ask a pharmacist for help. Fortunately, joint pain is a common ailment that many people suffer from on a regular basis, and this means that a number of effective home remedies for knee pain have emerged through a universal attempt to find simple solutions.

While using a knee compression sleeve to improve your circulation may be a good place to start, there are also some useful, natural ways to relieve pain, that won't have a negative impact on your waist-slimming diet!

1.    Eat some Fenugreek Seeds

One of many ancient home remedies for knee pain, Fenugreek seeds can be a fantastic way to warm up your knees and get the blood pumping, just like your trusty compression sleeve. To use these seeds, remember to soak them in clean water overnight and drain them off in the morning. Although you might need some time to get used to the slightly bitter taste, you'll find that these nifty treats actually get sweeter as you chew, so that you have no trouble swallowing your medicine.

2.    Drink More Water

Not only does water help you to lose weight and maintain a healthier lifestyle, but it also softens cartilage and keeps the area around your knee hydrated for easier movement. Water also helps your body to manage a better blood volume so that nutrients don't struggle to move through your circulation into your joints. At the same time, extra water can assist your knee compression sleeve in moving lactic acid away from joints - reducing the ache. Drink at least eight glasses a day, and don't be afraid to top up regularly.

3.    Eat More Onions

When it comes to home remedies for knee pain, onions may not be the first solution that comes to mind, but they are incredibly effective. Onions are actually famous for their anti-inflammatory properties. Because they contain phytochemicals, they help to boost your immune system, as the sulfur compounds in the flesh inhibit the enzymes responsible for triggering the pain sensation in your nervous system. Studies have even suggested that fresh onions could have a similar analgesic effect to morphine.

4.    Crunch on Carrots

Most people don't know this, but carrots have actually been used for centuries in Chinese medicine as an effective solution for combatting joint pain. One quick home remedy for knee pain that won't leave you frowning at the scales, involves grating some fresh carrot into a bowl and squeezing on lemon juice for a touch of extra flavor. Eat the carrots raw or steamed to nurture the ligaments around your knee, removing the pain of excessive use or even arthritis. You can even throw a handful of raw carrots into your salad if you're looking for a way to add some extra texture and color to a boring meal.


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