The Facts about Overtraining: Why It's Okay to Rest

The Facts about Overtraining

In a world that runs on the mantra of "more is better" it can be easy to get caught up in the trap of overtraining. However, when it comes to managing your workouts in a way that is good for your goals, and your body, it pays to pace yourself.

Though it's crucial to maintain a certain level of dedication and determination during your regular workout routines, your schedule should come with plenty of built-in planned recovery days even if your calf compression garments are making you feel more energetic than ever. Don't believe us? Consider these facts about overtraining that you might not have heard before:

1.    Your Muscles Grow as You Rest

When you go to the gym to lift weights, you're creating small tears within your muscles that can only repair and rebuild during times of rest. This process is what helps to make your muscles stronger than they were previously. While it's crucial to work your body hard and stimulate the appropriate muscle-building proteins, it's also crucial to give your body the time it needs to recover.

2.    Overtraining Can Cause Plateaus in Weight Loss

Working out too intensely and too often can easily lead to too much weight loss - but it can also have the opposite impact too. Thanks to the built-in protective mechanisms within the human body - overtraining can create plateaus in weight loss, and even weight gain when you find yourself consuming extra calories to make up for your intense exercise strategies.

3.    More Exercise Means a Bigger Appetite

You don't need to be a brain surgeon to recognize the link that exists between hunger and exercise. The more time you devote to training, the more energy your body will need to sustain your increased exertion - meaning that you feel hungrier. Some people fear that reducing their workload on the gym will force them to gain weight, but your hunger will usually decrease in proportion with a lighter workout schedule.

4.    Overtraining Makes you moody

Exercise can work as a fantastic anti-depressant, with some studies showing that it works just as well as medication for instances of mild depression. However, too much exercise can sometimes have the opposite impact too - leading to anxiety that stems over workout schedules and depression as a result of exhaustion.

5.    Overtraining Causes Burnout

People who fail to get the right amount of rest in conjunction with high workout schedules often find that they suffer from regular fatigue. Since quality of life depends on achieving a good balance, it's important to remember that doing too much, too fast can lead to burnout. When we look at the facts about overtraining, we realize that weare all limited in terms of physical reserves, and spending too much of them on exercise could leave you feeling down, unhealthy, and generally out of sorts. Exercise should be a lifelong hobby that helps to make you a healthier and happier person - so your aim should be to seek out a balance that works for your life, your, body, and you.




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