What to Know about Dieting in your 60s

Dieting in your 60s

Workout routines, healthy diets, and waist compression belts aren't limited for use by the under 40s. The truth is that people of all ages find themselves seeking out ways to achieve a flatter stomach or lower the weight around their midsection so that they can boost their self-confidence, and simply feel healthier.

We all know that maintaining an appropriate bodyweight is a worthwhile goal for individuals of any age - but as you get older, the process of managing your physique can become trickier. Although you may not be able to burn calories at the same rate as you did when you were younger, you can still take steps to cast aside some extra pounds.

Dieting in Your 60s

The golden rules for losing weight are still relevant when you're dieting in your 60s, such as:

  • You should aim to burn more calories than you consume
  • You should focus on eating whole grains, fruits, beans, fish, and fat-free foods
  • You should limit empty calories spent on foods with no nutritional value or sugars
  • You should always avoid fad diets

However, you might need to make some additional changes too.

Eat More Protein

When you're dieting in your 60s, one of your primary concerns should be the fact that you're at risk of losing some serious muscle mass. This means that you should ensure your diet includes around one gram of protein for every kilogram of bodyweight. Not only will this help to keep your body working as it should be, but it will also reduce an over-active appetite, because protein keeps you feeling satisfied for longer - perfect for those who are making efforts to lose weight.

Some good sources of protein include whole eggs, wild salmon, grass-fed beef, and whey protein powder.

Stay Hydrated

No matter your age, it's important to stay properly hydrated if your aim is to lose weight and maintain a good sense of health and wellbeing. Sometimes, thirst can mask itself as hunger, and when you're getting older, you might find that you struggle to recognize if you're thirsty more often.

Most experts recommend drinking around 64 ounces of water a day, and you can get part of your water intake from foods that are naturally rich in moisture, such as tomatoes and cucumbers.

Be Clever with Your Metabolism

Since your metabolism will begin to naturally slow down as you age, it's worth looking for ways to outsmart it while staying satisfied. This usually means eating more snacks and smaller meals, and trying not to go longer than three hours without eating something.

Remember, if your metabolism is already slow, starving yourself will just make it work slower. What's more, you should find that as you age, you don't need to consume quite as many calories as you did when you were younger, so consider adapting your regular meals to smaller portions. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to begin cutting your meals in half - but perhaps investing in slightly smaller plates to help you minimize the amount you regularly consume.


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