5 Quick Strength Training Tips for Beginners

Strength Training Tips for Beginners

Strength training can be an intimidating prospect to a fitness newbie - particularly if you haven't devoted much time to the gym. However, whether you're male, or female, the truth is that strength training plays a crucial part in getting fit. As great as cardio might be - it won't cut it alone. This doesn't mean that you need to be able to bench press a truck to be healthy, but learning the facts about strength training and devoting yourself to a workout a few days a week could do wonders for your body.

Not only does regular resistance training help to build muscle strength, but it increases the resting metabolic rate of your body, causing it to burn additional calories - even at rest. What's more, strength training improves your balance, lowers your osteoporosis risk, and reduces blood pressure. If you're a beginner - don't worry. Use these tips to become a pro in no time.

1.    Warm Up with Cardio

As quick strength training tips go, warming up with cardio is often regarded as an essential part of any routine. You need to get your heart rate beating faster before you start your regimen, and a five-minute warmup of light jogging and dynamic stretching can do just that. Dynamic stretching uses controlled motion to increase your flexibility and loosen your muscles.

2.    Learn Good Technique

If you want to prevent injuries, then you're going to need to learn good technique and form. Proper technique will help to ensure that you work the right muscles without leading to sprains or strains. If you're a true beginner, it might be helpful to invest in a single session for training. Your trainer will show you the correct grips, motions, and positions, while helping you to develop a full all-around routine.

3.    Know Your Options

When you're looking for quick strength training tips, remember that although you might associate strength entirely with dumbbells - these aren't your only option. There are many ways to start training your strength in your living room, and at the gym, with resistance bands, weight bars, medicine balls, and even your own body weight. Knowing your options is the best way to get educated about strength training solutions, and keep your routine fresh.

4.    Let Your Routine Grow

As you become more familiar with the demands of strength training, remember that you'll need to start incorporating new exercises and equipment into your regimen. If you're getting bored with a specific workout, or your muscles aren't building anymore, then you might need to look for new ways of spicing up your workout session.

5.    Remember to Rest

Strength training works because it causes miniscule tears in your muscles - which then heal to become stronger than they were before. These tears are good, but only if you allow them some time to heal properly. The average person needs up to 48 hours of rest to heal between workouts, so make sure that you allow yourself at least that much time if you're new to strength training. People are usually enthusiastic to get started with strength-training, and this can lead them to over-do it, but listen to the needs of your body.



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